Deep Root Watering & Tree Care Blog

8 Steps to Building an Island Oasis

Island OasisHave you dreamt about having an island oasis of plants in the middle of your lawn to enhance your landscaping?

Have you envisioned a retaining wall around that island of plants?

An island of plants with a retaining wall around it may be the envy of the neighborhood. The retaining wall can protect your lawn and your plants. Plus, let’s be honest. It looks great. With help from the Backyard Gardening Blog, today we are going to breaking up how to build a retaining wall in only eight easy steps.

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The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen

Fruits and VegetablesAre you aware of which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases a shopper’s guide every year. The shoppers guide is a list of 47 fruits and vegetables that are organized by fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides to the least. Within that one list, there are two separate lists.

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How to Water Rose Bushes for Best Results

How to Water Rose Bushes Welcome back to Rose Friday. Rose Friday is our weekly series where we discuss tips and how to care for roses. Last week we talked Pruning and Help Tips and Tricks for Rose Bushes.

Are you wondering the best way to water your rose bushes?

To water plants in typical fashion is to water the surface of the soil. Today, we are going to discuss how to water your rose bushes for the best results.  According to Roses by James Underwood Crockett and the Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS, there are some ways to water that will not only provide you with a healthy rose garden, but will make your healthy rose garden the envy of the neighborhood. Your roses will reward you for watering them because roses love water.

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Update: The Drought of 2012

Drought CautionIt has been one hot summer and your landscape is feeling the heat and the effects of the drought.

Yesterday, the temperature soared to 101 degrees at Detroit Metro Airport at 2:30 p.m., tying the record for that date set in 1887 according to according to the National Weather Services’ meteorologist, Sara Schultz, in White Lake Township. Right now, you cannot drive through a neighborhood without seeing browning lawns, drying flowers and dying trees. Just a week ago, we posted an article about the current drought situation. Today, we would like to update you on the current status.

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The Fab Five Herbs to Grow At Home

HerbsDo you love to cook with fresh herbs?

Herbs can turn something good you are cooking into something great. However, if you do not already have an herb collection, purchasing various herbs can be expensive, especially fresh herbs.

Today, we are going to talk about the fabulous five herbs that everyone should grow. Growing your own herbs will not only save you money, but it was also make your home smell beautiful.

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The Drought of 2012

Drought WarningHave you seen the cost of corn go up due to the drought?   How is your landscaping reacting to the lack of rain?

If you have not seen prices inch higher, you soon will. America is experiencing drought-like conditions across the entire county. Michigan alone had their 10th driest June on record and then had record setting heat in the first week of July.

The US Drought Monitor, last updated on July 3, 2012, can help to visualize that our county is mostly covered in “Abnormally Dry” conditions.  How do drought-like conditions  impact our enviornmental and economical standard of living?

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Will Talking To Your Plants Help Them Grow?

Talking to plantsWe have all heard that plants are social and talking to them helps them grow, but is that true?

The weather is hot and we are all looking for ways to keep our plants happy and healthy. Price Charles of England said, “I just come and talk to the plants, really. Very important to talk to them; they respond.”

Could talking to your plants help them to them to grow? Penn State and The Discovery Channel had set out to answer that question.

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5 Steps to Plant Container Roses

How to Plant Container RosesWelcome back to Rose Friday. We hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. Rose Friday is our weekly series where we discuss how to care for roses. Last week we talked how to plant bare root roses in 7 Steps to Planting Bare-Root Roses.

Are you trying to plant container roses?

On this hot summer Friday, we are taking a close look at how to plant container roses and we are going to show you how to plant container roses in just 5 steps.

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6 Tips to Help Your Landscape Survive Scorching Heat

6 Tips to Help Your Landscape Survive Scorching HeatHave you been wondering how your landscape will make it through this summer?

With temperatures above 90 degrees, we are all watching our landscapes struggling to stay alive. With yellow spots on our lawns and our plants withering, we may wonder if all our hard work gone to waste. Today, we are going to discuss how to help your landscape survive this scorching heat. Your hard work does not have to be wasted and with a little help your landscape will be back to looking as beautiful as ever.

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